Artois dog

History, origin & features

The Chien d'Artois, formerly known as the chien Picard, was the hunting companion at the court of Henri IV and Louis XIII. It is a breed of dog of French origin, descended from the black-coated St Hubert. Gifted with a formidable sense of smell, the Chien Artois is an exceptional hunter when it comes to flushing out hares and roe deer. Lively, hardy and resilient, they generally work in packs, which reveals their sociable side, both with other dogs and with children. Chien d'Artois are medium-sized, muscular but light and lively. They are not long-limbed either. Their expression reflects their friendly side. With a short, thick coat, they are tricolored, with the head generally fawn and white often dominant on the body.