
History, origin & features

The Azawakh occupied the entire central Sahara 5,000 years ago. This breed of dog evolved naturally, and has been little modified by man.
Today, it is bred mainly by Tuareg and Dahousssahaq nomads.
The harsh, dry climate endangered the Azawakh in its native land, leading breed enthusiasts to introduce it to European countries 20 years ago. Azawakhs are very good hunters, lively and fast. On the other hand, they are rather reserved, even aggressive towards strangers, but they are totally devoted to their master, to whom they will show great affection.
Gentle and playful, Azawakhs are perfectly suited to living with children, with whom they will spend hours having fun.
Both city and town life can suit him, as long as he's offered intense, regular physical activity. Particularly slender and elegant, Azawakhs give an overall impression of great finesse. Its long, slender body reveals its bone structure and musculature beneath fine, dry tissues. The coat is short and fine. The coat is very diverse: from sand to red fawn and mahogany, the tight brindle is also very popular. The 6 white points (4 barnacles, chest and tip of the whip) are obligatory.5000 years ago, the Azawakh occupied the entire central Sahara. This breed has evolved naturally, and has been little modified by man.