Cairn Terrier

History, origin & features

Originating in Scotland and descended from the “Terrard”, the Cairn Terrier is the oldest of the Scottish Terriers; it owes its name to the piles of fallen stones (“Cairn” in Celtic) that are often found in Scotland and are its favorite playground.
Cairn Terriers are highly prized for their hunting instincts and dexterity. The Cairn Terrier stands out for its hunting instinct. They are very active, lively and courageous. Its “fluffy” appearance hides a strong character that needs to be mastered before it asserts itself as the head of the household. Sometimes a runaway and prone to frequent barking, it remains a very pleasant pet. They're even sometimes called “the best little companion in the world”. The Cairn Terrier is a member of the small dog family. Compact and muscular, they have strong bones and a lively, alert appearance. They have a dense, abundant coat with a dense undercoat. Their coat is sandy, cream (sometimes red) gray, dark gray or salt-and-pepper.