French Bulldog

History, origin & features

The French Bulldog, of molossoid type, originates from a cross between the famous English Bulldog and terriers, with the aim of reducing its size. The standard we know today was created by passionate breeders in the Paris neighborhoods, hence the very Frenchie name. This animal quickly won over high society and the world of artists with its distinctive physique and character. The French Bulldog is exclusively a companion dog. Despite its “ferocious hound” appearance, its character is cheerful, gentle and playful. They are equally suited to children and the elderly, as they require little physical effort. Totally devoted to his master, he needs a lot of affection. They have little tolerance for heat or long physical exertion, although they are quite energetic. Powerful and muscular, the French Bulldog is a small dog. With a short coat, its undercoat varies according to the season. Coat color depends on variety:
Fauve: from red to café au lait
brindle: fawn with dark charcoal markings
white and brindle.
Its crushed face accentuates its originality and expression, making it extremely endearing.