Bull terrier

History, origin & features

The Bull Terrier is the result of crosses between Bulldogs and English Terriers, and owes its characteristics to a certain James Hink and his family, who fixed its color and “Roman nose”. It's nicknamed “the gladiator of the dog world”. There are two varieties: the standard Bull Terrier and the miniature Bull Terrier, distinguished only by their size. The Bull Terrier was originally a fighting dog, but its aggression is not innate; on the contrary, it has a friendly temperament and is perfectly suited as a companion dog. They are courageous, playful and energetic. Small to medium-sized, they are athletic, muscular and lean. He has a lively expression. They're instantly recognizable by their egg-shaped head and Roman nose. His coat is short and colorful:
Mostly white, sometimes spotted with black.