
History, origin & features

to this day. It is thought to have originated in Germany, having been bred as a bloodhound at the Duke of Weimar's court in the 19th century.
Initially, it was used by foresters to hunt wolves and lynxes, as well as wildcats and foxes. It was only much later, with the advent of firearms, that it really became a pointing dog. The Weimaraner is distinguished by its docile, loyal character. Its affectionate side makes it a good companion for children, but it is above all professionals who use it as a defense or first-aid dog, thanks to its highly developed sense of smell. Sometimes stubborn in character, they are still very easy to train. Weimaraners are medium-sized hunting dogs with a proportionate, lean, muscular physique. They have an elegant gait. Their coat is mainly short, although a long-haired variety is not very widespread. There are several coat colors: silver-gray, deer-gray, mouse-gray and intermediates.