Caucasian Shepherd Dog

History, origin & features

Little is known about the origins and history of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is thought to be one of the descendants of the Tibetan Molossoid, and has long been found in this region as a herding and guarding dog. The breed has evolved with this multi-populated territory.
Today, the Russians hold the breed's family name. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are strong, balanced and courageous. It is highly prized as a guard dog, its work as a herding dog being less and less widespread. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are not shy, but they are not very sociable: they are devoted solely to their master and family, and are naturally independent. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are large, harmonious, massive and powerful. Their coat varies according to variety: long, medium-long (most common) and short. It is coarse and spread out, with a well-developed undercoat. As for coat color, they are all accepted, uniformly piebald or spotted, with the exception of black.