Airedale terrier

History, origin & features

The Airedale Terrier was born in the middle of the 19th century in the Aire Valley (Yorkshire), from crosses of otterhounds and old english black and tan terriers (an ancient working terrier breed).
It was created to hunt otters, and was then exported to Germany, where it enjoyed great success, first as a wild boar hound, then as a defense dog. Airedale Terriers are energetic and independent.
Well-behaved, they can perform any task, and make excellent pets for children. Beware of their lack of social skills with other dogs, especially of the same sex: good socialization from an early age is essential. The Aiderale Terrier is a short, robust, slender and muscular dog with an elongated head. Their coat is short and hard. The color of the coat, very characteristic, differs according to the parts of the body:

Upper part from neck to tail: black or very dark gray.
Head, ears and limbs: yellow-brown, known as “tan”.