
History, origin & features

Originating in Hungary, the Mudi breed was obtained by crossing local shepherd dog breeds with other varieties of herding dogs from Germany, notably straight-eared ones, during the 18th and 19th centuries. Over the years, the Mudi has demonstrated its innumerable qualities to Hungarian shepherds, protecting their flocks and properties. It was also used during wild boar drives. It's rare to find one outside Hungary and Central Europe. Mudi are medium-sized herding dogs of harmonious proportions, giving the impression of great agility. Coat: wavy, even curly, dense, glossy and medium-length (3 to 7 cm) over most of the body. Shorter, straighter and smoother on head and front of legs. Spikes and ridges on certain areas of the body. Pronounced fringing on back of forearms and thighs.
Color: fawn, black, bluebird, blue-gray (ash), brown or white.
Head: wedge-shaped, tapering to the nose, giving an impression of dynamism, alertness, cheerfulness and intelligence. The skull and forehead are moderately domed, the occipital protuberance is not pronounced, the superciliary arches are very slightly developed and the stop faintly marked. The nose is narrow, black or matches the color of the coat. The muzzle is moderately strong, the bridge of the nose straight, the lips well defined and the same color as the nose, and the jaws scissor-like.
Ears: inverted V-shape, set high, erect, covered with abundant hair and very lively.
Eyes: relatively small, darkly colored, with a reckless look.
Body: square-shaped, height at withers roughly equal to length. The neck is set high and moderately long, the topline sloping towards the croup, the withers pronounced, long and muscular, the back straight and short, the loins moderately long, the croup short and slightly sloping, the chest slightly domed in front, the ribs broad and flat and the belly slightly tucked up.
Tail: set medium high, hanging at rest, carried sickle-shaped above the topline when the dog is attentive or in action. Covered with abundant, long hair.