Spanish morning ou spanish Mastiff

History, origin & features

The Spanish Mastiff has been present on the Iberian Peninsula for at least 2 millennia. Originating in the Extremadura region of southwest Spain, this dog was traditionally used to accompany shepherds as they moved their flocks of sheep, especially Merinos. The Spanish Mastiff was an invaluable protection against wolves and other predators. It's a role it continues to play today, in addition to that of guard dog in which it excels. The Spanish Mastiff is a dog of impressive stature and size, with a sub-longitudinal conformation, powerful build, compact bones and well-developed muscles. Its characteristic bark is hoarse, low and deep. Coat: Semi-long, dense, thick, evenly distributed over the body, evenly filling the interdigital spaces. Longer on the tail, shorter on the legs.
Color: ideally single-color yellow, fawn, red, black, wolf or deer-red, but all colors and blends are acceptable.
Head: massive, robust and square. The skull is broad, solid, as wide as long or slightly longer. The frontal sinuses are accentuated, the occipital crest marked, the stop slightly accentuated and gently sloping. The nose is black, large and moist, the muzzle straight and never pointed, the jaws powerful and scissor-like.
Ears: triangular, flat, drooping, medium-sized, set above the eye line. Partly pricked when the dog is attentive or in action. Eyes: almond-shaped, small, dark hazel, with a gentle, intelligent expression, becoming harder in the presence of a stranger. Body: powerful and strong, yet supple. Inscribable in a rectangle. The neck is broad, solid and covered with thick skin. The topline is straight, the withers well defined, the back strong and muscular, the loins long and broad, the croup solid, the chest broad and powerful, the belly very slightly tucked up.
Tail: strong at the base, set moderately high, supple, covered with longer hair, saber-like when attentive or active.