Pyrenean Mastiff

History, origin & features

The Pyrenean Mastiff originated in Spain. It is, in a way, the Spanish counterpart to the French Chien de montagne des Pyrénées. Like the latter, they are descended from ancient breeds of molossers and sheepdogs specialized in protecting flocks from predators and thieves. The Mâtin des Pyrénées has, in fact, proved its mettle and power against wolves and bears. The breed saw its numbers drop considerably during and after the Second World War, but breeders worked hard to keep it alive, selecting around 30 specimens from which quality litters were born. The Spanish Pyrenean Mastiff Club was founded in 1977 by Rafael Malo Alcrudo, Daniel Llorens Guerrero and Jaime Graus Morales, and is affiliated to the Royal Canine Society of Spain. Pyrenean Mastiffs are large, muscular dogs of strong build, compact bones and harmonious proportions. Hair: long but not excessively so (6 to 9 cm long), especially on the shoulders, neck, under the belly, on the back of the legs and on the tail, where it forms a plume. Dense, thick and stiff, but not woolly in texture.
Color: predominantly white with a well-defined mask, possibly with markings all over the body (same color as the coat).
Head: massive, robust, subconvex in profile. The skull is as broad as it is long. The occipital crest is pronounced, the stop slightly accentuated (gently sloping), the nose black, large and moist, the muzzle almost triangular in shape when viewed from above, the jaws powerful and scissor-like.
Ears: drooping, triangular, medium-sized, set above the eye line. Spreading away from the muzzle and partly erect when the dog is alert.
Eyes: almond-shaped, dark hazel, small, with an alert, noble expression, full of intelligence and nobility, but harder when the dog is facing an adversary.
Body: powerful, imposing and rectangular, with length greater than height at the withers. The neck is broad, muscular and supple, the topline straight and horizontal, the withers well defined, the back strong and muscular, the loins long and broad, the croup solid and as high as the withers, the chest broad and muscular, the belly slightly tucked up.
Tail: strong at the base, moderately high, covered with abundant hair and forming a plume, carried low at rest, saber-shaped when the dog is in action.