Croatian Shepherd Dog

History, origin & features

According to some authors, it's an indigenous breed, but others think it's of oriental origin, stabilized by local banks and later settled in the former Yugoslavia. Croatian Shepherd Dogs are very docile and attentive. They pose no training problems, are easy-going and hard-working. Lively and intelligent, Croatian Shepherd Dogs are not averse to being kept as pets. He is sometimes used as a guard dog, so he'll make himself heard to protect his territory.
As with any Shepherd dog, activities such as tracking are very important to maintain his balance. Agility is another discipline he may enjoy. Croatian Shepherd Dogs are medium-sized, long and well proportioned. This breed is characterized by a short coat on the head and limbs, and a long, rather soft coat (between 7 and 14 cm) on the rest of the body. The coat color is black with occasional white patches.